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It bears repeating:
The opinions expressed here are purely mine. Any references to real people are purely --- INTENTIONAL.
This page was last updated: October 28, 2022

subtly, secretly, silently, successfully...
     In THE OLYMPIAN'S own words, their "fruits are grown in chaos", in the "culture of... (the) enemy." That's us, guys, by the way. They KNOW we are their enemies, those of us who are waiting for the government to be upon Jesus' shoulders, not theirs. I think, before we leave this arena, that I'll let them speak one more time for themselves. If you KNOW what they are up to, WAY behind the scenes, it is much easier to recognize the lies as they arise, and wash them out of your mind and soul, lest they happen to swallow you whole. Bear in mind again, Hollywood, with their "consumer psychoanalysts", OOZES with these concepts. Here we go...
     "Propaganda should continue and... the entire field of human behavior, for the benefit of the country, can, at length, be broadened into ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR. Thus, anyone indulging in any eccentricity...PARTICULARLY the eccentricity of combating psychopolitics, COULD BE SILENCED by the authoritative opinion on the part of a psychopolitical operative that he was acting in AN ABNORMAL FASHION. On the subject of obedience itself, the most optimum obedience is unthinking obedience. The command given MUST be obeyed without any rationalizing on the part of the subject. The command must, therefore, be implanted BELOW the THINKING PROCESSES of the subject to be influenced, and MUST react upon him in such a way as to bring NO MENTAL ALERTNESS on his part. It is in the interests of Psychopolitics that a population be told...an" (sic) "hypnotized person will not do anything against his actual will, will not commit immoral acts, and will not so endanger himself... this may be true of light, parlour hypnotism, IT CERTAINLY IS NOT TRUE of commands implanted with the use of electric shock, drugs, or heavy punishment." 

     (Or, I might add, with the use of sound wave "therapy" or microchips.) 

     "It is to be counted upon completely that this will be discredited to the GENERAL PUBLIC by psychopolitical operatives, for if it were to be generally known that INDIVIDUALS would OBEY COMMANDS harmful to themselves, and would commit IMMORAL ACTS while under the influence of DEEP HYPNOTIC COMMANDS, the actions of many people, working UNKNOWINGLY in favor of Communism" - (or whatever "ism" is being promoted) - "would be too-well understood. People acting under DEEP HYPNOTIC COMMANDS should be acting APPARENTLY of their own volition, and out of their own CONVICTIONS." 

     (Well, it's about TIME this was in the public eye!)
Once again, all of the emphasis above, is mine.

     Beloved, stop giving your precious brain into the hands of God's enemies, by exposing it to the agenda of THE ILLUMINATI, via the Hollywood branch. Oh, by the way, did you know that the designated wood used by witches and warlocks to make a "proper" MAGICAL WAND, is HOLLY wood? 
Let's stop letting them dictate our attitudes and our behavior. 

     Furthermore, none of you who claim God's name, have any business whatsoever, viewing ANY film that contains vile language, explicit sex, or gory violence - regardless of marvelous rave reviews. If it has inappropriate "adult" humor, seamy situations, or raw language in it, your face shouldn't be in it, either. 

     Your own conscience, that's "con", meaning "with" - "science", meaning "knowledge", convicts you. I'll PROVE it to you. Just reflect on any film that you have recently seen. You thought it was great, with the exception of a few uncalled-for words, and a brief bedroom scene. Usually, when you ask someone who loves the Lord, how the movie was, they'll tell you it was awesome --- except for 
_______________ and _______________, which were completely unnecessary to the plot. You have probably made these statements before, yourself. Why? 

     Because - you found them to be offensive to everything that is good, and pure, and holy. It rasped against your spirit, didn't it? You wouldn't feel comfortable watching it with Him, would you? Well - you WERE! He was there all the time, just like the words in the old, old hymn. If the movie was so excellent, why would you feel necessary to warn anyone about certain parts of it? 

     Beware that leaven of the Pharisees, dears - it leaven the whole lump. HIS words, not mine. 

     So, beloved, next time you sit in a theater seat, or on your couch watching a movie, guard your mind. If you are in a theater, and the movie is inappropriate - get up and LEAVE. If there was no proper disclosure beforehand, in the ratings, you can often get a refund. We have had occastions when a movie we rented was way "off-base" - they allowed us to just get another one. Don't be afraid to OPEN your mouth! If enough of you DID, we could bring about a major change in the movie industry. 

     NEVER FORGET - the battle is in the MIND, and ultimately - the SOUL!

     Now, on to a less intense subject. Buttons, yes, those things we use as fasteners on our clothes. Check what was said about them in our CLOTHING CONTROL CONNECTION - Page 5. They DO serve a purpose, and it is more than just closing the gaps on garments. Use natural ones whenever possible.
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"Wise Men STILL Seek Him"